These medicines have been shown to be safe, and are approved for pregnancy by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). If you take these for more than 2-3 days, please notify your doctor.
If you take medicine routinely, please notify Dr. Rosenfeld, Dr. Dafashy, or your ob/gyn so it can be evaluated for your health and the safety of your baby.
Dr. Rosenfeld, Dr. Dafashy, or your ob/gyn will prescribe vitamins to supplement a balanced diet. If your prenatal vitamin makes you nauseous, stop taking them until you are finished with your first trimester. The nausea typically goes away at that time.
Iron supplements may be prescribed. Or you may use any over the counter iron supplement that is 50-65 meq. The iron product, Slow Fe, has a stool softener in it.