Getting Started
We are here to guide you every step of the way. If you need to speak to a live person at any time during the process, please call us at (713) 790-0099.
Step 1: Complete your online registration
Step 2: Our staff will review your medical records
Once we process your online registration, the following will occur:
- One of our dedicated nurses will contact you to review your personal medical history.
- We will request the operative report of your tubal ligation from the hospital you list in the registration.
- Our staff will review all medical records to determine if you are a candidate for tubal reversal surgery.
Step 3: Arrange your appointment
When it is determined that you are a candidate for the tubal reversal surgery, our staff will arrange your appointments.
Why Choose Us?
Sarah Shipman’s 5 boys 3 of which are tubal reversal babies.
The top choice for tubal ligation reversal surgery
We achieve a 80% pregnancy success rate based on live births.
We use the finest suture, 10-0 Prolene, for faster recovery.
We have over 1,000 testimonials from parents willing to share their experience with others.