Tubal Reversal Testimonial Email From Staten Island, New York

Tubal Reversal Testimonial From patient in Staten Island, New York

Dear Dr. Rosenfeld (and Staff),

I happily write this to inform you of the birth of our son, Jedidiah Cintron, born on Sept. 28.

If not for you and your staff, he would not be here. I thank God for you as you helped us not only have another child, but have our first son. We have three beautiful daughters and felt our family was complete. I had a tubal ligation, where my tubes were cut and the ends burnt in November. A few months later, my husband and I both deeply regretted our decision and desired more children. We were at a loss and thought we would just have to live with this regret.

As the years past, we researched in-vitro fertilization and adoption. But the more we researched, the more we realized that the costs were far too high and had low success rates. I researched tubal reversals online, and the majority of the information was negative. Living in NYC, I thought, for sure, there would be plenty of doctors with high success rates in tubal reversals. I was wrong. I called several fertility specialists in NYC, even if they performed the procedure they did not recommend it. I was repeatedly told that the success rates were very low, and each practice recommended IVF.

So I began researching tubal reversal doctors online. A few names kept popping up with positive reviews, but all were out of state. I had phone consultations with 3 of biggest names in tubal reversal procedures. The doctors were all nice, but Dr. Rosenfeld was the farthest away. Despite this, I chose Dr. Rosenfeld. I chose Dr. Rosenfeld because I felt he was the best. Not only did I feel the most comfortable with him, but he also had the highest success rate, offered the best pain management, used the finest sutures, and did not use staples.

I also choose Dr. Rosenfeld because he said he would use my C-section scar to perform the surgery. I’ve had three C-sections, and one doctor told me because of this he would have to make a vertical incision on my abdomen. I was very relieved when Dr. Rosenfeld said that was unnecessary and that he would not do that to me. Dr. Rosenfeld and his staff were awesome. The nurse who performed my pre-op appointment was very personable and animated. She said I would have a boy! She explained everything so thoroughly and made my husband and I so excited to have this surgery.

I had my tubal reversal on July 2. The surgery went well. I had very little pain afterward. Dr. Rosenfeld and his staff had told me to stay mobile and not spend a lot of time lying down because it would help with my recovery. They were right! The very next day, I went out shopping at an outlet mall. I did lots of walking and standing, but felt very little pain. I did not need to take any oral pain killers past the first day, because of the pain medication that Dr. Rosenfeld injected at the incision site.

I went home [to New York from Houston] a couple of days after the surgery and had no problems taking care of my daughters. Dr. Rosenfeld had told us to wait two menstrual cycles before trying to conceive, but we waited three cycles. Because, we had three young children and led very busy lives, we were not good about timing my cycle or actively trying. Despite this, we managed to conceive in December 2014, just 2 and half months after we started trying.

Our son was born on Sept. 28. We couldn’t be happier. We know God gave us our son, but we thank God for Dr. Rosenfeld who helped make it possible.


Tania Cintron
Staten Island, NY
Email me at cintronclan@gmail.com.

[UPDATE JANUARY 2019: Since Tania wrote the letter above, she has had 2 more TR babies. See pictures of her 3 TR babies who now live in Pennsylvania.]

[UPDATE NOVEMBER 2021: TR baby #4 is here!]

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Tubal Reversal New Mexico Testimonial – Kari Martin


  • I have three children also; I had three c-sections. I am regretting the decision about cutting and burning my tubes. I was told having had three surgeries prior i was putting myself at risk. Reading your story, I have hope and would love to be able to have another child. Thank you.

  • Yo tengo tres hijos y tres cesaría pero mi nueva pareja quiere otro bebé y con esto que dice creo que primero Dios intentare tener otro bebé

  • I’m a little over weight but I want my tubes reversed my bmi is 45

    August 2, 2018 9:12 pm

    My name is Christina Navarro I would like to take a moment to share my success stories… First of all u will live the staff Dr. Rosenfield is awesome… My first pregnancy was ectopic which happened immediately.. my second is the handsome Lil guy in the yellow shirt n baseball cap in front cover photos… My third I lost due to misscarriage and PLEASED to announce my fourth success… Currently found out I am pregnant again… 😍 You will live the doctor the staff they will treat you with the up most respect… I was very pleased with the surgery a lil painful but was so worth the pain… I hope you do consider Dr. Rosenfeid for your tubal reversal needs as I did… He was a great… Loved em… And you will you…. My sincerest greatness and heart warming huggs to the staff n doctor… Thank you with out this my family would not be complete….

  • Soraida Ordonez
    September 27, 2018 4:12 am

    Hi my name is soraida Ordonez im 42 going to 43…. I have 4 children my baby boy is going to be 10 years old i have been married for 8years to my new husband but now he wants a kid but i have tubbal ligation dont know if im in a right age to do this

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